Secret Societies of Stockholm

4.24 (108 calificaciones)
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Sweden is a land of secrets, where hidden societies thrive in the shadows. 

Among these societies are the secretive order societies, with their arcane rituals and mysterious symbols. Despite their secrecy, these organizations are known to have a strong presence in Swedish society, with more members per capita than any other country in the world.

They are powerful networks of influence and their reach extends far beyond their meeting halls, shaping the very fabric of Swedish society.


  • Se puede jugar en
    Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo

  • Durante estas horas
    Todo el día

  • Idiomas

Aspectos destacados

  • You'll embark on a fascinating journey through some of the most historic buildings in the world, all with connections to secret societies.

  • Whether you're a history buff, a puzzle lover, or just looking for an exciting new adventure, "Angels & Demons of Stockholm: The Hunt for Secret Societies" is the game for you.


In "Secret Societies of Stockholm," you'll step into the shoes of a curious and adventurous character with a passion for uncovering the secrets of the world's most enigmatic secret societies.

Your mission is to explore some of the most historic buildings in the world, and be challenged to solve a series of riddles.

So get ready to embark on a journey that will test your mind and challenge your skills, as you uncover the secrets of the Freemasonry world in "Secret Societies of Stockholm."

Ruta de la experiencia

Punto de partida Swedish Order of Freemasons - Grand Lodge of Sweden
Blasieholmsgatan 6, 111 48 Stockholm, Sverige
Punto final Order Society Neptuni
Skeppsbron 10, 111 30 Stockholm, Sverige

Lugares que visitarás


Te llevará

135-165 mins

Vas a caminar

4070 pasos

Distancia total

3.1 km

  • We recommend not playing at night
  • No attractions ticket(s) required
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Calificaciones y reseñas


108 calificaciones

5 Estrellas
4 Estrellas
3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrella
Ordenar por

Jan Eggenkamp

10 Mar 2024

Victoria Pihl

04 Nov 2023

Eric PhotographyWizz

21 Sep 2023
If you're into history and mysteries, this is the game for you. I was captivated by the historical context and the clever puzzles. An engaging way to explore Stockholm 😎


21 Sep 2023
I enjoyed the mysterious atmosphere of this game. The puzzles were tough but rewarding. It's a great way to uncover Stockholm's hidden past.

marina carriere

20 Aug 2023

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Tabla clasificatoria

3100 XP
Urmi Chouhan
3100 XP
Katarzyna Moneta
3100 XP

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