Romantic Palma de Mallorca: A Lover’s Tale

4.47 (43 calificaciones)
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Experience a romantic one-of-a-kind private and interactive walking tour through the heart of Palma, perfect for couples & hopeless romantics!

As you stroll through the historic city centre, you will discover intimate locations and historical sites, like the famous La Lonja or the grand Cathedral of Palma! Along the way you'll solve fun quests and puzzles related to the lost love story of Alejandro and María from the 1950s.

Are you and your loved one ready to embark on this passionate love walk?


  • Se puede jugar en
    Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo

  • Durante estas horas
    Todo el día

  • Idiomas

Aspectos destacados

  • Enjoy breathtaking views of Parc del Mar and Cathedral of Palma

  • Explore the charming old town of Palma

  • Take a leisurely stroll along the Borne and discover hidden gems

  • Learn about the rich history of Palma and discover off the beaten track romantic locations, perfect for couples, friends and even families!


Knowing that the love shared between your grandparents, María and Alejandro, was unparalleled you ask your grandfather how their courtship began in the 1950s.

Instead of the usual monologue, he hands you an envelope, saying:
"My dear grandchild, this envelope contains the story of the greatest love I have ever known. María was my everything. I wrote this letter to her when her mind began to fade, to remind her of my love for her. Now go and uncover all the places once special to us!"

Ruta de la experiencia


Lugares que visitarás


Te llevará

80-110 mins

Vas a caminar

3810 pasos

Distancia total

2.9 km

  • Lugares para visitar

    Descubrirás lugares interesantes a lo largo de la ruta de la experiencia.

  • Grand Hotel

  • La Llotja

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Calificaciones y reseñas


43 calificaciones

5 Estrellas
4 Estrellas
3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrella
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¿Qué aspecto tiene una experiencia Questo?

  • Camina y explora el mundo real

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Tabla clasificatoria

3700 XP
3700 XP
3700 XP

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