Art of Manhattan, New York: Follow Dylan & Streisand

4.71 (41 calificaciones)
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Freewheel through the streets of Greenwich Village, following in the faded tracks of the numerous artists that lived here (Barbara Streisand, Bob Dylan, Edgar Allen Poe, Jimi Hendrix, John Coltrane, George Carlin and many, many more). 

Solve clues to discover the places where poets and musicians lived and performed. See where Dylan Thomas had his last drink and where Barbara Streisand first debuted.  Ready to roll?


  • Se puede jugar en
    Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo

  • Durante estas horas
    Todo el día

  • Idiomas

Aspectos destacados

  • See Washington Square Park, the epicentre of the hippie movement and the stage of the Beatnik Riot.

  • Enjoy the musical aura that radiates from Electric Lady Circus, the recording studio Jimi Hendrix set up just before his death.

  • Find yourself at The Bitter End, a venue that claims to be New York City’s oldest rock and roll club.


You’re a budding young music journalist in the final years of the 60s. You’ve bagged a job at a fashionable new magazine called Rolling Stone, but you’re yet to have your ‘big story’. 

Today might just be the day, though. Your editor has arranged for you to interview Bob Dylan. She tells you to meet him in The White Horse Tavern on Hudson Street, but he’s notoriously unreliable. You might have to go looking for him, and he doesn’t like being found. Nor does he like journalists.

Ruta de la experiencia

Punto de partida The White Horse Tavern
567 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014, United States
Punto final The Bitter End
147 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012

Lugares que visitarás


Te llevará

52-82 mins

Vas a caminar

3150 pasos

Distancia total

2.4 km

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Calificaciones y reseñas


41 calificaciones

5 Estrellas
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1 Estrella
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All those tiny little things that you miss, but wish that someone showed you.

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Tabla clasificatoria

Vanessa Magnone
3354 XP
3227 XP
Maggie Thompson
3100 XP

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