Fantastic Gdansk: Lions and Unicorns

4.21 (52 calificaciones)
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Did you know that a love for exploring and sightseeing can be combined with science fiction?

Embark on a journey through the picturesque corners of the old town, explore the Long Market and its surroundings, solve puzzles and riddles, and all of this with a time travel twist.

During your expedition, you will visit many iconic places such as the Neptune Fountain, towering churches, and the richly decorated Great Armory. The time machine awaits.

Are you ready to take on this adventure?


  • Se puede jugar en
    Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo

  • Durante estas horas
    Todo el día

  • Idiomas

Aspectos destacados

  • Prepare to be amazed by beautiful views and city architecture

  • Visit historically important places with an interesting story behind them

  • Experience a thrilling adventure with a time travel theme

  • Discover what Gdansk was like several hundred years ago

  • Encounter and solve fun challenges along the way, to make this tour even more enjoyable


The year is 2100. Your grandfather was a genius scientist who created a time machine. Unfortunately, he recently died under unexplained circumstances. 

You received a message from him in his will. You learned that he had hidden a flash drive, containing all of his life's work, in the past. It must not fall into the wrong hands, as your grandfather's technologies could be used for evil purposes. 

You must go back in time and solve a series of clues to find grandpa's drive and then destroy it. 

Ruta de la experiencia

Punto final Zielona Brama
Brama Zielona, 80-830 Gdańsk, Polska

Lugares que visitarás


Te llevará

125-155 mins

Vas a caminar

2890 pasos

Distancia total

2.2 km

  • We recommend not playing at night
  • No attractions ticket(s) required
People exploring Glasgow with Questo

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Calificaciones y reseñas


52 calificaciones

5 Estrellas
4 Estrellas
3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrella
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¿Qué aspecto tiene una experiencia Questo?

  • Camina y explora el mundo real

    Descarga la app de Questo y elige tu experiencia. Camina y sigue las pistas para resolver acertijos y descubrir nuevos lugares e historias en el camino.

  • Visita ciudades con búsquedas turísticas

    Para tu próximo viaje, explora haciendo una búsqueda turística sin guía. Disfruta de la flexibilidad de empezar y parar la experiencia cuando quieras, sin el miedo de perderte los mejores lugares para visitar o las mejores historias para aprender.

  • Haz tu cita inolvidable

    Invita a tu pareja a una cita y vayan juntos en una divertida aventura a pie. Questo es una gran idea para una cita para parejas que quieren pasar tiempo juntos, pero también para primeras citas o propuestas.

  • Juego de rol en tu ciudad

    Asiste a un evento de Questo y sumérgete en tus historias favoritas. Disfrázate para mayor diversión.

Tabla clasificatoria

4000 XP
Wiebke Kasper
4000 XP
4000 XP

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