Ghosts of Cologne: Witch Hunt Walking Tour & Escape Game
Step into the eerie past of Cologne and uncover the dark history of the witch hunts in this immersive walking tour and escape game.
Discover the original purpose of the Helenen Tower, explore the strict rules at St. Klara Monastery, and learn about the gruesome persecutions that plagued medieval Germany. As you wander the city, you’ll also be shocked by the bizarre medical practices and superstitions that shaped life in the Middle Ages.
In this chilling adventure, you are a lost soul unable to rest. Haunted by memories of burning witches, you must retrace your steps to uncover the truth. As you navigate Cologne’s historic streets, you’ll be guided by the voices of 24 women who urge you to find the one responsible for their deaths and free them.
Perfect for history lovers, thrill-seekers, and puzzle enthusiasts, this self-guided tour offers a spine-tingling mix of mystery, history, and interactive challenge.
Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas
Alemán, Inglés, Holandesa
Aspectos destacados
Find out the original purpose of Helenen Tower and the rules at St Klara monastery
Discover some of the gruesome persecutions of witches in medieval Germany
Be amazed by weird medical practices and medieval mentalities
You are someone whose soul cannot rest.
You wake up on a bench, shivering with fear. Facing the road, you then turn left and start walking.
In front of the St. Mary Magdalene and Lazarus chapel you feel startled and faint.
During the episode, your whole body is being consumed by fire. When you come around, you realise that you're burning. You're in such pain but you don't remember who you are anymore.
You turn around and see 24 women, who are also burning. One whispers, "Find him and free us!"
Ruta de la experiencia
Punto de partida Friedhof Melaten, Alter Haupteingang
Aachener Str. 178, 50931 Köln, GermanyPunto final Domplatte
Domkloster 4, 50667 Köln, GermaniaLugares que visitarás
Te llevará
114-144 mins
Vas a caminar
6440 pasos
Distancia total
4.9 km
Lugares para visitar
Descubrirás lugares interesantes a lo largo de la ruta de la experiencia.
Alter Markt
Aachener Weiher
Cologne Cathedral
Calificaciones y reseñas
667 calificaciones
¿Qué aspecto tiene una experiencia Questo?
Camina y explora el mundo real
Descarga la app de Questo y elige tu experiencia. Camina y sigue las pistas para resolver acertijos y descubrir nuevos lugares e historias en el camino.
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Haz tu cita inolvidable
Invita a tu pareja a una cita y vayan juntos en una divertida aventura a pie. Questo es una gran idea para una cita para parejas que quieren pasar tiempo juntos, pero también para primeras citas o propuestas.
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Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas
Alemán, Inglés, Holandesa