Historic Colchester: The Roman Visitor Walking Tour & Escape Game

4.5 (62 calificaciones)
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Step back in time to 300 CE and explore the ancient city of Colchester with this immersive walking tour and escape game. Discover the remnants of Colchester’s Roman wall and gates, marvel at its art, temples, and culture, and stroll through the city’s scenic back lanes and famous Castle Park
This experience offers a fascinating glimpse into Roman Britain, blending history with an interactive mystery.
In this adventure, you are Antonius, a Roman diplomat visiting the city of Camulodunum (Colchester) at the request of the local governor, Marcus. While Marcus is eager to show off the city’s fortifications and cultural landmarks, he has a more urgent matter to address—a plot to assassinate him. 
The clues to this conspiracy are hidden across the city, and it's up to you to uncover the mystery before time runs out. Perfect for history lovers, adventurers, and puzzle enthusiasts, this self-guided tour combines historical exploration with thrilling intrigue.
*The end of the game is in a park that closes at dusk.*


  • Se puede jugar en
    Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo

  • Durante estas horas
    09:00AM - 04:00PM

  • Idiomas

Aspectos destacados

  • You will see what is left of Colchester's famous Roman wall and gates. You will view works of art, examples of culture and places of worship from Roman Colchester.

  • You will walk through some of the city's most picturesque back lanes and the famous Castle Park.


The year is 300 CE. Your name is Antonius, you are a Roman diplomat. You've been invited by the local governor, Marcus, to visit the thriving city of Colonia Claudius Victricensis, also known as Camulodunum. Marcus is keen to show off the city's fortifications, temples, art, and culture.

However, there's another reason he's invited you. The governor suspects a plot to kill him. Clues to this plot are hidden all over the city. Can you help Marcus unravel it before it's too late?

Ruta de la experiencia

Punto de partida Butt Road Car Park / Roman Circus
Butt Rd, Colchester CO3 3DG, UK
Punto final Colchester Castle
Colchester CO1 1TJ, UK

Lugares que visitarás


Te llevará

65-95 mins

Vas a caminar

4600 pasos

Distancia total

3.5 km

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Calificaciones y reseñas


62 calificaciones

5 Estrellas
4 Estrellas
3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrella
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01 Feb 2025
I saw Colchester in much more detail than I have before. It gave me a new insight into its history. We thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you.


01 Feb 2025


27 Jan 2025
learnt a lot, great walk too

Tyler Pavitt

11 Sep 2024

kerry Croft

01 Jun 2024

¿Qué aspecto tiene una experiencia Questo?

  • Camina y explora el mundo real

    Descarga la app de Questo y elige tu experiencia. Camina y sigue las pistas para resolver acertijos y descubrir nuevos lugares e historias en el camino.

  • Visita ciudades con búsquedas turísticas

    Para tu próximo viaje, explora haciendo una búsqueda turística sin guía. Disfruta de la flexibilidad de empezar y parar la experiencia cuando quieras, sin el miedo de perderte los mejores lugares para visitar o las mejores historias para aprender.

  • Haz tu cita inolvidable

    Invita a tu pareja a una cita y vayan juntos en una divertida aventura a pie. Questo es una gran idea para una cita para parejas que quieren pasar tiempo juntos, pero también para primeras citas o propuestas.

  • Juego de rol en tu ciudad

    Asiste a un evento de Questo y sumérgete en tus historias favoritas. Disfrázate para mayor diversión.

Tabla clasificatoria

3100 XP
Davina Bamford
3100 XP
Michelle Wharton
3100 XP

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