Vidin: The Time Travelling Ottoman Ruler

4.89 (9 Bewertungen)
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In this fun city game, you’ll explore Vidin in the spirit of true adventure. Find yourself immersed in the medieval atmosphere while learning all about the most fearsome ruler of the region - Osman Pazvantoglu.  He was a man who left a mark on the city and is surrounded by mythic tales of bloodshed, blasphemy, wild parties, and repentance.

Along the way, you’ll trace the Kaleto fortifying wall, visit relics of Ottoman rule, and experience the city’s most fascinating historical locations.  


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen
    Englisch, Spanisch


  • Explore the grave of Osman Pazvantoglu, forgotten and buried by the passage of time.

  • Learn about the legend of the Osman Pazvantoglu mosque and the soft side of the ruler.

  • Wander the catacombs and towers of the Baba Vida fortress, experiencing the medieval side of Vidin.


You are Osman Pazvantoglu, a man who rebelled against Ottoman rule over Bulgarian lands in the late 1700s. Through great bloodshed, you established your own vast territories, independent from the Sultan. You reign supreme over these lands from your seat as “Governor” in the city of Vidin.

However, after a long night of drinking with your friends, you have awoken in a cemetery upon a grave bearing your name… 

Can you navigate this Vidin of the future and find your way back to your own time?


Route der Erfahrung


Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

55-85 mins

Du wirst gehen

4200 Schritte


3.2 km

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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


9 Bewertungen

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03 Aug 2024

joanna hingston

09 Jun 2024
this was great fun to spend the morning with my family. we got lost several times


30 Mar 2024

Violeta Nedeva

19 Mar 2023
if you are looking for interesting information in English about the city and its heritage, play the game and find it out :)


20 Dec 2022

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Robin Vredenborg
3100 XP
3070 XP
John Paul Salazar
3038 XP

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