Jaffa's Old Town: The Gatekeeper’s Journey (Tel Aviv)

4.79 (52 Bewertungen)
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Explore the ancient streets, the port, and the secret sites of old Jaffa through a one-of-a-kind walking tour

During the tour you will slowly unravel the heroic story of the gatekeeper who is desperately trying to escape the city. You will use your phone to follow clues and solve puzzles in your surroundings while discovering some of Jaffa's most beautiful landmarks. 

You will get to see the skyline of Tel Aviv, learn some fascinating bits of history, and most of all, you'll get to feel the rhythm of the magical Ottoman period in Jaffa.


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


  • Take a Jaffa walk where you visit the clock-tower, the wishing bridge, the ancient streets, and the port.

  • Follow clues and solve riddles in your surroundings.

  • Feel the rhythm of the magical Ottoman Period in Jaffa through the heroic story of the gatekeeper.

  • Visit beautiful spots with the skyline views of Tel Aviv.


The year is 1815. The Ottomans rule the region. You are the gatekeeper: one of the élite guards of the Jaffa walls. 

You and your beloved camel are back in Jaffa after a long journey on the roads. The smells and the voices are so familiar... It's good to be back. However, from the moment you arrive things start to get strangely complicated...

Route der Erfahrung


Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

50-80 mins

Du wirst gehen

2760 Schritte


2.1 km

  • Orte zu besuchen

    Du wirst interessante Orte entlang der Route der Erfahrung entdecken.

  • The Clock Tower

  • The game is not timed, so take your time
  • Cross the street carefully
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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


52 Bewertungen

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5488 XP
Kay Lipson
3100 XP
Karen Mims
3100 XP

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