San Francisco Haight Ashbury: Hippie Culture
Relive the revolutionary youth-led movement that was characterized by hippie counterculture, freedom of expression, and social justice.
Visit the locations in which music legends like Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and The Grateful Dead performed free concerts, the homes where these iconic figures resided, and the parks where thousands of young people participated in peaceful demonstrations.
Are you ready to be immersed in the world of peace, love, and rock ‘n’ roll?
Kann gespielt werden auf
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, SonntagWährend dieser Stunden
Ganzer TagSprachen
See the homes of music legends Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and The Grateful Dead
Visit the Panhandle and Golden Gate Park, the location of many peaceful demonstrations like the revolutionary Human Be-In
Discover the impact that hippie subculture had on the art, music and social landscape of America
You must immerse yourself in the hippie subculture and gain the trust of those around you. As you make your way around Haight-Ashbury, you meet eccentric characters, stumble upon free music concerts, and learn about tolerant values.
Are you ready to find Lana?
Route der Erfahrung
Startpunkt Haight Ashbury 1485
1485 Haight St, San Francisco, CA 94117, USAZielpunkt Golden Gate Park
Haight St & Stanyan St, San Francisco, CA 94117 USAOrte, die du besuchen wirst
Es wird dich nehmen
67-97 mins
Du wirst gehen
4600 Schritte
3.5 km
Orte zu besuchen
Du wirst interessante Orte entlang der Route der Erfahrung entdecken.
The Panhandle
Jimi Hendrix's House
Haight Ashbury
Grateful Dead House
- Best during the day
- Best for couples
- Don’t enter the places, not part of the experience
- Game ends in another place than it starts
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200 Bewertungen
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Kann gespielt werden auf
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, SonntagWährend dieser Stunden
Ganzer TagSprachen