Finding the Meaning of Life and Art in Jersey City
Learn about many of the artists, what is happening in Jersey City now, and a bit of history of the area.
Solve word puzzles and put all the words together to make an inspirational saying.
This is a level walk on city sidewalks and a pedestrian plaza.
Most sidewalks have curb cuts. The start of the walk, the PATH station, is accessible. There is one area where the sidewalk is rough and there is a high curb.
Kostenlose Erfahrung
Kann gespielt werden auf
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, SonntagWährend dieser Stunden
Ganzer TagSprachen
See work from internationally acclaimed artists. Also, see the work of local artists.Links are available to more information about the artists. Gain an appreciation of the art and beauty all around us
You took an art class and a yoga class. It turns out that your art and yoga teachers know each other and are good friends.
You mention your ennui to them and they send you on a quest to find beauty, art, and meaning in your daily life.
You'll be looking at various sites in the city, solving puzzles, and there will be one big, final puzzle at the end.
Route der Erfahrung
Startpunkt Grove Street PATH station
325 Grove St, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USAZielpunkt 165 Columbus Dr
165 Columbus Dr, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USAOrte, die du besuchen wirst
Es wird dich nehmen
162-192 mins
Du wirst gehen
5780 Schritte
4.4 km
- Route open 24/7 but better during daylight hours
- The game is not timed, so take your time
- Route may be affected by temporary ongoing construction work
Bewertungen und Rezensionen
4 Bewertungen
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Kostenlose Erfahrung
Kann gespielt werden auf
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, SonntagWährend dieser Stunden
Ganzer TagSprachen