Plant-Based Food Tour in Hanoi

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The streets of Hanoi pulse with life, a symphony of sights and sounds that envelops you as you wander through the city. 

The vibrant colors of the street markets catch your eye—crimson chilies, deep green vegetables, and golden-yellow mangoes shining in the afternoon sun. 

There are many plant-based options from automatically vegan stalls and restaurants.

On this walkable food-tasting tour, you'll discover a superb selection to satisfy your pallet.

Choose carefully at each location.

Each is worth it.

Kostenlose Erfahrung

Keine Buchung nötig. Entsperre das Spiel, indem du unten deine E-Mail angibst.


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


  • Taste the delicious flavors of Việt Nam.

  • Wonder what residents eat?Try the top plant-based restaurants in Tây Hồ.

  • Get some steps in and learn interesting facts as you explore the cuisines.

  • Discover new dishes and amazing eats in only 2 hours.

  • Eat the most delicious recipes that chefs create.

  • Try baked goods, drinks, smoothie bowls, and hearty dishes.

Route der Erfahrung


Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

77-107 mins

Du wirst gehen

2630 Schritte


2 km

  • This is a self-guided tour
  • Ensure your phone is fully charged or bring along your trusty power bank
  • Family friendly
  • You can stop for a break any time
  • Fun to do as a couple
  • Pay attention to traffic
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