Territory of the Vikings : The Hidden Treasures of Caen

1.5 (2 Bewertungen)
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Step into the shoes of a Viking and discover the beauty and richness of the Caen city which is full of history. 

Go conquer Caen and discover unusual places full of history. Caen, a real broth of culture. Enter the legend by cultivating yourself. An enriching experience guaranteed. 

Ready to embark and conquer CADOMUM ?

Kostenlose Erfahrung

Keine Buchung nötig. Entsperre das Spiel, indem du unten deine E-Mail angibst.


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


  • Follow in the footsteps of the great King of the Vikings.

  • You will be amazed between the authenticity and modernity of the City. A life-size reconstruction.

  • Let yourself be guided and immerse yourself in the heart of history combining war, peace and meditation.

  • Discover the treasures of Caen.


Hey hoy Viking sailor! You're ready to drop anchor and follow in the footsteps of your honorable king - by his side you will be invincible.

Come and conquer Caen! A perilous journey awaits you where only the brave will emerge victorious.

I have hidden treasures in the heart of Cadum, whoever finds them will gain invincibility 

It all begins here..

Route der Erfahrung

Startpunkt Caen Castle
14000 Caen, France
Zielpunkt Place de l'hôtel de ville de Caen
Esp. Jean-Marie Louvel, 14000 Caen, France

Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

180-210 mins

Du wirst gehen

4600 Schritte


3.5 km

  • If the weather gets cold, you can pause and go inside to warm up at almost any location in the game
  • Disponibil între Marți-Vineri, între 10:00-17:00 și Sâmbătă-Duminică, între 10:00-18:00.
  • We recommend not playing at night
  • Some checkpoints may contain temporary construction work
  • We recommend that each user purchases a ticket for an optimal experience, although several people can share a phone.
  • Cross the street carefully
  • Game ends in another place than it starts
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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


2 Bewertungen

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Ralf Glawe

29 Aug 2024


01 Feb 2025

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Ralf Glawe
3264 XP
2800 XP
2470 XP